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The Point of Restoration

The Point of Restoration is a ministry to pastors, Christian workers and their families in time of distress. Distresses can include depression and discouragement, marriage difficulties, exposures of sinful behaviors, unplanned dislocation from home/place of ministry, or behavioral and developmental difficulties with children.


The Point of Restoration offers temporary housing, spiritual counseling/support, various material assistances, brotherly kindness, and a body of compassionate believers who have come to embrace the fellowship of those suffering.  The large and growing number of testimonies of those whose own selves, marriages, children, families, and ministries have been mended and restored over the years bear witness to the incredible impact which the Point of Restoration has made.


The Testimony of Dan Hubbard

On May 4, 2022, the Lord took Dan home after a 15 year battle with cancer.  Weeks before his passing, hospitalized, in pain, and terribly weak, he brought the message linked above at the 2022 Spiritual Warfare Conference of Harvest Baptist Church.  Dan’s desire was that spiritual hospitals such as the Hebron Ministry would be established around the world to be there for families such as his who found themselves in need and desperate for restoration.

Dan Hubbard was a missionary team leader in Peru for 5 years with his wife and growing family.  Several years after their arrival there, Dan made some selfish choices that led to an adulterous affair which he confessed in 2017 shortly after leaving Peru for a furlough.  In full repentance of his sin, Dan and his wife Christy sought help and counseling from the church and various pastors for the purpose of restoring their hurting marriage, coming to terms with the consequences of his sin, and strengthening his family in the fellowship of the believers as they established a new life.  Unfortunately, as they sought restoration, they were met with much rejection and condemnation.  By God’s grace, the Lord worked mightily in their behalf in spite of this struggle for hope.  Their faith and family was strengthened, and Dan’s desire to help others resulted in the writing of a book entitled  “Desperate For Restoration” sold HERE.

Dan Hubbard

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